Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ipod on shuffle

I've got a 30gb Ipod classic. It's about 10gb full right now, which is a lot of music. Most of the time I leave it on shuffle and what's weird is I'm not always happy with the selections. Most of you might think that's odd because it IS all my music. But moods come and go, and it usually doesn't match up quite right. However, when it does, oh how glorious it is.
This afternoon, after a day by the pool, I decided to wash our cars. I was in the driveway with my Ipod playing through my car. It was set on shuffle and it was just perfect. It somehow knew what I needed....
Ben Harper
Relentless 7
Stevie Ray Vaughn
and Radiohead.

Perfect mix.


I don't know why, but I've never been into IPA beer before. I've tried it a few times, more than a few actually. Muddy Buddy always serves Red Hook IPA in the post-race beer garden, and even a tap served, ice cold one after a romp in the mud didn't do it for me.
Like most things though, I think they just take time to appreciate. The same thing occurred with scotch for me, and then bourbon. I bought a bottle (one recommended to me from a friend who knew their spirits) and got through the whole thing before passing judgment. It took me months, but by the end of the bottle I had really come to look forward to a glass.
So, IPA has now fallen into that category. One I had to work for. When I asked Erin to pick up something fun from Publix she bought a sixer of Full Sail IPA. I worked through that six pack and by the end, really enjoyed it. Maybe it's Florida, maybe its the heat, and maybe it's just my evolving taste buds. I'm now working my way through a six pack of Bell's Two Hearted Ale. Double Yum.

I look forward to all my future finds.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Just because....

Friday, May 22, 2009

Chickens, Doves, and Goats

Being home has given me the opportunity to spend a lot more time with my dad. Making up for lost time, I guess you could say.

It's fun to learn new things about someone like your dad, someone that you thought you knew everything about. Funny, because it's the small stuff that makes me smile the most.

I learned for example, when growing up in the Caribbean, he had doves, dogs, cats, goats, turkeys, roosters and chickens. The chickens he loved the most. Someone gave him a a handful for Easter (who does that?!) and he would look after them and collect their eggs. It makes me want chickens one day. Neat.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Peanut butter and fruit loops

You know it's a good day when you go to the bathroom before bed and you find peanut butter behind your ear and a fruit loop in your hair. Wouldn't miss field day for anything.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mowing Etiquette

Since becoming a homeowner,l I have learned to find joy in yard work. It's the summer now, so Florida pretty much requires you to mow once a week. You have to water constantly and the St. Augustine grass is somewhat ornery.
I've got the mower, blower, and weed whacker. What I haven't figured out yet though is what to do with all the stuff I blow off after a mowing. I use a bag on the mower, so I'm not left with a LOT of clippings, probably the normal amount.
I've watched the professional crews and it looks like they either a) blow it into the middle of the road or across the street into someone else's gutter or b) blow it down the street until eventually, little by little, it gets consumed by all the neighbors yards.
So whats right here? What's proper and nice?

Any thoughts chime in.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Averaging In

Ever since we moved to Florida I've been seeing a chiropractor to try and kick this bum back. It's been great and it's helped quite a bit. Part of the Chiro's orders were to slow up on the workouts AND NO RUNNING. This was tough for me - running is a sort of my 'therapy'. I got through it and continued to do the the ChaLean Extreme program. I got through 3/4 of it before I had to leave for Europe, at which point everything even closely related to healthy living halted.
Upon my return I considered finishing the ChaLean program, but since I was SO far from being in the zone I figured it wouldn't do much good.
So I've elected to start a classic round of P90X again. I was reading Straight Dope,which is Steve Edwards blog, and he brought up a really interesting theory about getting back into training. It helped me see that I take a very "gung ho" attitude about working out - which often left me totally burned out early on and even promoted injury and back flare up.
So I'm two days in to the program and already I can feel myself being much, much more aware of my body. I'm giving my back reprieve on all the exercises where I previously jumped into without regard.
I can feel my body responding well. It's obvious that I am not in as good of condition as before my last tri (post P90x). I am however responding much quicker than my initial round of training (over a year ago). I'll post some continual updates as to how things are coming along. It's definitely a commitment, 6 days a week @ 60-80 min per workout. I'd like to get back into Tri shape - and might get there by the end of this current season....we shall see though.