Saturday, January 24, 2009

Peanut pub

I've been in Oskaloosa for the past 36 hours and tonight I had the pleasure of going to Dr. Salami's for dinner followed up by an evening of drinking at "The Cellar" or "The Pub" as the locals call it.

Dr. Salami's was an experience in and of itself. The server approached us and asked "Can I get ya'll something to drink?" and here's how the rest went.

D: "Can I see your wine list?"
Server: "We don't really have a list, what would you like?"
D: "Well what do you have?"
S: "Well just name something, we have pretty much everything"
D: " how about a '65 Lafite"
S: "Is that rare? I can ask the bartender?"

That was how the night began and pretty much ended. Well that's not true - I did have a guy at the pub tell me to "Put my mustache away".

Good times.

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